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Combine a heat pump with photovoltaics

Discover the benefits of combining a heat pump and photovoltaics: save on heating and electricity costs, reduce CO2 emissions and find out more about funding opportunities. Find out how this innovative solution works, which factors are important for planning and installation and how you can make the most of the combination of heat pump and photovoltaics. We show you why investing in a heat pump with photovoltaics pays off in the long term and how you can benefit from government support programs. Read our blog post on combining a heat pump and photovoltaics for all the details and tips on sustainable energy generation and use in your home.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of combining a heat pump and photovoltaics?

It is wise to combine a heat pump with photovoltaics. With this combination you can save both heating costs and electricity costs. The heat pump uses the energy from the earth, air or water to heat and cool your home. The photovoltaic system, on the other hand, generates your own electricity through solar energy. When you combine these two systems, you can use the excess energy that the photovoltaic system generates to power your heat pump. This reduces your dependence on the power grid and makes you a bit more independent. Moreover, this solution is also environmentally friendly, since it uses renewable energy.

The combination of heat pump and photovoltaics offers a number of other advantages, both from an economic and an ecological point of view.


Economic advantages

- Reducing heating costs: Heat pumps are more efficient than conventional heating systems and therefore require less electricity. If this electricity comes from your own photovoltaic system, heating costs can be reduced considerably. Solar power can be used directly to operate the heat pump. This increases self-consumption and reduces the amount fed into the grid.

- Rising feed-in tariff: The feed-in tariff for solar power has fallen sharply in recent years. By increasing self-consumption, the income from feed-in can be compensated.

Ecological advantages

- No CO2 emissions : Heat pumps and photovoltaic systems use renewable energies and therefore cause no CO2 emissions.

- Reducing dependence on fossil fuels: The combination of heat pumps and photovoltaics makes buildings less dependent on fossil fuels such as natural gas or oil.

Man with child planting tree on green meadow in leafy forest
The combination of heat pump and photovoltaics ensures an ecological future


However, the combination of heat pump and photovoltaic also has some disadvantages that should be considered when deciding for or against this solution.

- High investment costs: The combination of heat pump and photovoltaics is a relatively expensive investment. The cost of a photovoltaic system is usually between 8,000 and 20,000 euros. The cost of a heat pump depends on the size and type of heat pump.

- Limiting self-consumption: Self-consumption of solar power can be limited by the availability of solar power. If the sun is not shining, the heat pump cannot be operated with solar power. In this case, electricity must be drawn from the public grid.

- Space requirements: A sufficiently large space on the roof or in the garden is required to install a photovoltaic system.

- Insurance: Heat pumps and photovoltaic systems should be insured against damage caused by natural hazards.

How does the combination of heat pump and photovoltaics work?

Combining a heat pump and photovoltaics is a smart way to save energy and heat in an environmentally friendly way. The photovoltaic system generates electricity from sunlight, which you can use to power your heat pump. The heat pump draws heat from the environment - from the air, soil or groundwater - and uses it to heat your home. This not only saves you money, but also reduces your carbon footprint. It's a win-win situation! And the best part? You can feed excess solar power into the grid and save even more!

The following explains the operation of the combination of heat pump and photovoltaic:

  1. The photovoltaic system generates electricity from solar energy.
  2. The electricity is fed into the power grid or used directly in the house.
  3. The heat pump uses the electricity from the photovoltaic system for operation.

The combination of heat pump and photovoltaic can significantly reduce heating costs. This is because the electricity from the photovoltaic system is free. In addition, the self-consumption of the solar power can be increased, which reduces the feed into the grid.

There are various ways of combining heat pumps and photovoltaics.

  1. One possibility is to install a photovoltaic system with a power storage unit. The electricity storage stores the solar electricity and can then be used by the heat pump when the photovoltaic system does not generate enough electricity.
  2. Another option is to install a photovoltaic system with a heat pump that is compatible with the electricity from the photovoltaic system. These heat pumps are usually equipped with a so-called SG-Ready input. This input enables communication between the heat pump and the photovoltaic system. This ensures that the heat pump only draws electricity from the photovoltaic system when it is available.
Solar park Solar panels assembled into a large solar panel under a blue sky, sun shining
The NovaAir, a modern heat pump, uses solar power efficiently for its operation.

What costs and savings can be expected from the combination of heat pump and photovoltaics?

Combining a heat pump with photovoltaics may seem expensive at first, but you can save tremendously in the long run. While the initial cost of both systems is higher, most of your electricity consumption is covered by your own solar panels. As a result, your monthly energy costs will decrease. In addition, you can benefit from government subsidy programs that significantly reduce costs. You also help reduce CO2 emissions and do something good for the environment. Overall, combining a heat pump and photovoltaics is an investment that pays off. The combination can enormously reduce the cost of a heat pump with photovoltaics

The savings from combining a heat pump and photovoltaics depend on various factors, such as the size of the building, the building's energy requirements and the price of electricity. As a rule, heating costs can be reduced by 30 to 50 percent by combining a heat pump and photovoltaics.

Example calculation

A single-family home with an annual heating demand of 10,000 kWh and an electricity price of 30 cents per kWh has the following heating costs:

Without heat pump: 3,000 euros per year

With heat pump and photovoltaics: 1,500 euros per year

The saving in this example is 50 %.

The payback period of a combination of heat pump and photovoltaics depends on the investment costs and the savings. As a rule, the payback period is between 10 and 15 years.

What subsidies are available for the combination of heat pump and photovoltaics?

You can combine a heat pump with photovoltaics and benefit from various funding opportunities. The KfW Bank offers low-interest loans and repayment subsidies. The Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) also provides support in the form of attractive grants. In some federal states, there are additional regional subsidy programs. Remember to apply for the subsidy before you buy. This way, you can benefit from the combination of renewable energy and efficient heating technology and save money at the same time. It's worth checking out the various options and finding the right subsidy for your project.

Federal funding for efficient buildings (BEG)

BEG offers a subsidy for the installation of heat pumps and photovoltaic systems. The amount of the subsidy depends on the type of system, the efficiency class and the income of the applicant.

For the installation of a heat pump in a new building, the subsidy is up to 40% of the eligible costs. For the installation of a photovoltaic system in a new building, the subsidy is up to 30% of the eligible costs.

For the installation of a heat pump in an existing building, the subsidy is up to 35% of the eligible costs. For the installation of a photovoltaic system in an existing building, the subsidy amounts to up to 25% of the eligible costs.

KfW funding programs

KfW offers various funding programs for the installation of heat pumps and photovoltaic systems.

The KfW program 262 "Energy-efficient refurbishment" offers funding for the renewal of heating and hot water systems. The subsidy amounts to up to 15% of the eligible costs.

The KfW program 270 "Renewable Energies - Standard" offers funding for the installation of photovoltaic systems. The subsidy amounts to up to 30 % of the eligible costs.

Provincial grants

In addition to the subsidy programs of the federal government and the KfW, many federal states also offer subsidies for the combination of heat pumps and photovoltaics.

Funding levels and eligibility requirements vary from state to state.

Requirements for the promotion

Certain conditions apply to the promotion of heat pumps and photovoltaic systems.

1. the system must be installed by a specialist company.

2. the system must meet certain minimum requirements.

3. the applicant must apply for funding.

Close-up of a person working on a laptop, focused on the hands with a wedding ring on the keyboard
New build: Up to 40% subsidy for heat pumps, 30% for photovoltaics.

Tips for the optimal use of the combination of heat pump and photovoltaics

Combining a heat pump with photovoltaics is a smart way to use energy efficiently. Here are some tips for optimal use:

  • Choose the right heat pump and photovoltaic system. The heat pump and photovoltaic system should be compatible with each other. The heat pump should be compatible with the electricity from the photovoltaic system.
  • Install the equipment of a specialist company. The installation of heat pumps and photovoltaic systems requires expertise and experience.
  • Use a power storage system. A power storage system can store the solar power and use it at a later time.
  • Set the plants optimally. The plants should be set so that they can use as much electricity from the photovoltaic system as possible.
  • With the following tips you can take full advantage of the combination of heat pump and photovoltaics:
  • Set the heat pump to prioritize the power from the photovoltaic system.
  • Use the heat pump also for water heating. This way you can use even more electricity from the photovoltaic system.
  • Use the photovoltaic system not only in combination with the heat pump, but also for other electrical appliances. This way you can further increase your own consumption.
  • Consider installing electricity storage. Electricity storage can help to use solar power even when the sun is not shining.

What factors are important in planning and installation?

When planning and installing a heat pump in combination with photovoltaics, there are some important factors to consider. First, you should carefully consider the location. Sun is a must for the photovoltaic system and the soil condition is important for the heat pump. Then you should adjust the size of the systems to your energy needs. Don't forget to choose the right installer who has experience with both systems. Also pay attention to the current legal regulations and funding opportunities. Last, regular maintenance is critical for optimal performance and longevity of your systems.

person holding solar panel, preparation for installation, renewable energy, in the garden, during the day, sustainable technology
Planning & installation of heat pumps & photovoltaics: location, size, installer & maintenance are important.

When planning and installing a combination of heat pump and photovoltaics, there are some important factors to consider.

What is the energy demand of the building?

The first step is to determine the energy requirements of the building. This can be done by an energy consultant. The energy demand is important for the selection of the right heat pump and photovoltaic system.

What type of heat pump is suitable for my building?

The heat pump should be matched to the energy needs of the building and the conditions of the site. There are several types of heat pumps, which differ in the type of heat source and efficiency.

How big does the photovoltaic system need to be?

The photovoltaic system should have sufficient power to meet the electricity needs of the building. The power of the photovoltaic system depends on the size of the roof, the orientation of the roof and the solar radiation.

Do I need a power storage unit?

An electricity storage system can store solar electricity and use it at a later time. A power storage can increase the independence from the public grid and increase the savings by combining heat pump and photovoltaic.

What funding opportunities are available?

There are various funding opportunities for the installation of heat pumps and photovoltaic systems. The subsidy can make the investment significantly cheaper.

When do I want to install the equipment?

The installation of heat pumps and photovoltaic systems can take several weeks. Therefore, sufficient time should be planned to carry out the installation.

Through careful planning and installation, you can take full advantage of the combination of heat pump and photovoltaic, thus reducing your heating costs and lowering your CO2 emissions.

About the author

Thomas Regli is the founder and namesake of Regli as well as a pioneer and expert in thermodynamics with decades of expertise in refrigeration, heating technology and hydraulics. As the inventor of the NovaAir heat pump, he already achieved a decisive milestone in the development of highly efficient heat pumps with R290 propane in 2017.

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